jeudi 28 janvier 2010


That's it for smoking...patch is on since I am not able to do it without some help.

At least going back to my healthy life, without cigarette, drinks (well limited amount at least) and with a lot of vegetables


mercredi 27 janvier 2010

Sad (yet again)

Last all together party planned for Friday...

My friend added today that "she was happy that I am not smoking anymore or she would have had to stop seeing me in order not to smoke again" cheerful

I feel like doing nothing, at work or outside.

My energy has gone away

Even the big award I received at lunch from my VP did not help. Since I cannot share with him, who cares about awards?

I am so sad
(we were so happy when we took this picture, it is amazing to realize how things went so wrong so fast, or maybe he was already not that happy and just pretending to be?)

lundi 25 janvier 2010

the thrill is gone...

All I can do is wish you well...

Someday I will be over it all

(I prefer video # 2)

samedi 23 janvier 2010


Today was an awful day. Smoked 2 cigarettes, not too bad but way too much, and cried...

Because we did our usual Saturday morning farmer's market on the bay routine... with burgers and ice creams... and I knew it was the last time we were doing that together, and it was so painful to realize it...I cried in the car (he hates it but I could not help), I cried eating my burger (Taylor's burgers, best of the world ;) ) and felt awful all day.

How did I mess it up with him? because I decided that I did not have enough sex with him, and not enough attention either...

I am just a stupid animal, a primate, and he is an evolved refined individual which I do not deserve. He would never cheat or betray, so why I did not shut up?

Now it is too late, crying helps me a little I think, realizing and grieving and coping. But will not not bring him back... that's it, I am a piggy forever

(Oh the dog on the picture is not mine, just the dog of the house we rented last Memorial day week end)

vendredi 22 janvier 2010

"the easiest way to get over someone... to get under someone else" (not sure that I agree)

I read this sentence in the book Eat Pray Love.
The beginning (the Eat chapter) is great, the second part (Pray) becomes boring, so boring that I gave up the book before the third part (Love)...I hope it does not mean that I am a soul deprived stomach obsessed person (and really I don't think that I am)...

It is probably a well known idiom and not a sentence from Gilbert...

However I am going to start by buying a Magic wand


what makes me happy...

Much better mood today...

I still smoked 2 cigarettes (so far) hm...but feel much better at least

My check list for instant better mood:

-listen to favorite radio show (podcast) > on NPR

-check Garance Dore blog

-NSFW activity...(hehe - works great)

-drink green tea, or caipirinhas (depending on the time of the day)

-call mom

-read a good -or a bad - book

-cook something really complicated and time consuming (very rewarding)

-take a bath (with bubbles)

-cuddle with the cat

-talk to friend (who is not depressed)

-try a new restaurant

-go skiing


what is your list?

jeudi 21 janvier 2010


Now that my life is just a huge mess, I am going to try to use this blog to help me...

So starting simple, my husband of a few years (with whom I have been since 1997) is leaving in 10 days to start a new job 5000miles away...(difficult to make it further I guess). I am not following this time, since our relationship is a mess anyway, and am going to become a single I am, a pathetic loser abandoned by the father of her child...great...

so I smoked 2 cigarettes, like this is going to help...of course it's not, and I am very sad. It is so difficult to let go the man of your dreams, the handsome Clooney like hero, so proud and sexy. Part of it is my fault and I feel a little guilty, and stupid. But part of is not and it is probably a good lesson for me on how I pick men, and how I stay like a mussel when the warning signs show up...

Coping, getting organized, being happy without him, my best friend of so many years, seems like a big challenge right now.

I don't feel like doing the things I used to love, like cooking or even seeing friends...I don't really know what to do...except smoking...


vendredi 1 janvier 2010

Big Spender...

love :

Really need that today, I feel so sad...